Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: SPEND VISIBILITY AND MARKET INTELLIGENCE - By providing and improving spend visibility across indirect procurement categories, you will help identify potential improvements
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: STRATEGIC PROJECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT - You will take the lead in developing and maintaining a project portfolio that aligns seamlessly with Red Bull’s organizational goals
Während der Lehrzeit hast du die Möglichkeit bei aufregenden Projekten mitzuwirken, tolle Prämien abzustauben und durch spannende Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten deine Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Auch nach der Lehrzeit stehen dir alle Türen offen
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: DEVELOPMENT OF SHOPPER ACTIVATION POS TOOLKITS - You'll be responsible for inspiring the markets by developing global Shopper Activation POS Toolkits
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT - You will handle complaints from subsidiaries and distribution partners, ensuring all issues are properly assessed and resolved
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: DEVELOP SYSTEM BASED CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES - In Data Integration/Reporting projects you’ll act as a translator between business and IT. Your responsibility is to collect and analyse requirements from Operations teams and to transform them …
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Coordinate and oversee scope, budget, time, quality, and external implementation teams/partners. Execute projects following Red Bull project management standards and principles
Aufgaben - Innerbetrieblicher Warentransport - Be- und Entladung von LKWs - Allgemeine Lagertätigkeiten … Langfristiger Arbeitsplatz mit sehr guten Verdienstmöglichkeiten und geplanter Übernahme - Gründliche Einschulung, Mittagstisch (Kantine)
Areas that play to your strengths - All the responsibilities we'll trust you with: Creation of Menswear & Womenswear - In this role, you'll have the opportunity to work closely with the Global Head of AlphaTauri to bring concepts to life and develop key product groups such as Outerwear and Woven
Aufgaben - Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Materialvorbereitung - Vormontage- oder Endmontagetätigkeiten von Kränen - Qualitätskontrolle … Vollzeitbeschäftigung (38,50 h/Woche) in einem internationalem TOP Unternehmen - Langfristiger Arbeitsplatz mit sehr guten Verdienstmöglichkeiten und geplanter Übernahme