Die Abteilung Construction & Maintenance betreut die modernen Gebäude und Anlagen am Campus des ISTA. Der Unterbereich Furnishing, Drywall and Refurbishing ist verantwortlich für die Tischler-, Trockenbau- und Malerarbeiten, von Instandhaltung und Wartung bis hin zu großen Umbauprojekten
Der Bereich Campus Services verwaltet nicht-wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen, wie die Bereitstellung von Räumlichkeiten für Veranstaltungen, die Verwaltung von 38 Gästezimmern, 32 Apartments, 90 Wohnungen, das Café/Pub, die Cafeteria, den Kindergarten, den …
Developing and implementing programs and processes to involve and train ISTA researchers for educational outreach - Identification of funding opportunities, applying for grants and preparing strategic text - Supporting the head of science education in strategic decisions and the planning of the entire umbrella of VISTA …
Security monitoring of ISTA's IT infrastructure - Design, analysis as well as management and administration of security systems - Provide input for the development of ISTA´s security infrastructure architecture - Project lead for proactive vulnerability assessments including penetration tests and audits to identify and …
Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Installateur (Schwerpunkt Lüftung/Kälte wünschenswert) - Handwerkliches Geschick und technisches Verständnis - Einschlägige Berufserfahrung … Übernahme durch Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) möglich
Your primary focus will be on ensuring the stability and performance of the system while working closely with scientists and internal teams to meet their computational requirements. Deploying, configuring, and maintaining HPC clusters running on Debian Linux
The Douglass group focusses on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the control of physiology and - behavior changes elicited to ensure survival in the face of environmental challenges using mice a model - organism. We use imaging of neurons (cellular resolution and fiber photometry), biotelemetry recordings of
The research team of ... expertizes in the field of cellular neuroscience. Specifically, the group is interested in the structure and function of synapses, from the level of molecules up to the level of circuits. The group has two major research questions
PhD in Chemistry, Materials Science, or Chemical Engineering or related field … The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is a growing international institute for conducting frontier research in mathematics, computer science, and the life and physical sciences
The Aquatics Facility at ISTA is a breeding facility for zebrafish Danio rerio and the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), supporting cutting-edge research in developmental biology and neuroscience. We are seeking a dedicated and highly motivated colleague to join our team